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Mouse wheel Trick

Mouse wheel tricks
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel on it, you can do some cool tricks.......
1.Shift & Spin
Ever wonders what happens when you hold down the Shift key on a web page and spin
the wheel on your wheel mouse? Explorer goes either back or forward, depending on
which direction you spin.
Give it a try. Open up Internet Explorer (or any other browser) and follow a few links.
Then, hold down your SHIFT key and spin that wheel.
2. CTRL & Spin
If you are in a web browser (Explorer or Netscape or Fire fox), hold down your Ctrl key
and spin the wheel. It makes the text larger or smaller depending on which way you spin.
For Opera users, it magnifies both the images and the text

How to create shortcut on shutdown and restart buttons on desktop

Many u think to have the shutdown and restart buttons on our desktop. The traditional
way includes going to start button and then choosing the Turn off Computer button and
again choosing between switch users, turn off and restart. It does take a few seconds more
(some times boring). Well there is a solution for it
You can create a Shutdown Button& restart on the desktop.
To create a shutdown and restart button on Desktop we have to create a shortcut. To do
this first
Right Click on the Desktop and then click New Button. Then scroll down to Shortcut. On
clicking it a new Window appears with a blank space saying "Type the location of items".
In this space write "shutdown.exe -s -t 5" or "%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 5"
Now the -s stands for shutdown and -t denotes the time in seconds to wait before
windows shutdown. Then click next and give a name as shutdown and click Finish. To
apply icons to it simply Right click it and Properties and then Change Icons. For Restart simply change -s with -r like this way "%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 10" or "shutdown.exe -r -t 10".

How to boost the PC faster than it is now

A great new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do boot defragmenters.
This places all boot files next to each other on the disk to allow for faster booting.
By default this option is enabled, but on some systems it is not, so below is the
information on how to turn it on:
Go to Start Menu>Run> Type regedit then click ok Find>
Select "Enable" from the list on the right Right on it and select "Modify “Change the
value to Y . Reboot your Pc and see the change yourself.